The digitalisation of processes and the increasing global connections in supply chains are steadily increasing the importance of IT services. However, due to the high complexity of software products and IT services, errors are almost certain to creep in again and again, resulting in liability risks.
Our BLD Tech E&O team is familiar with the wide range of (legal) problems that IT service providers can be confronted with - from problems during planning, system implementation and during maintenance obligations to data protection breaches and business interruption claims. In addition to the legal problems, BLD's Tech E&O team also quickly and comprehensively penetrate the complex technical issues of such claims against IT service providers by their clients or affected third parties.
Our team offers a comprehensive range of services, which primarily includes claims monitoring and the examination and defence of liability claims. We also bring our expertise in liability law to bear in developing and advising on corresponding insurance policies and coverage concepts. Not only German but also foreign insurers rely on our lawyers' experience in liability and coverage law when developing products and advising on clauses.

Tech E&O
Martin Berglar, LL.M.
Lawyer | Counsel
Cologne -
Dr. Jendrik Böhmer, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Jan Philipp Bünting
Lawyer | Associate
Munich -
Carsten Hösker, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Dr. Franz König, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Sven Lehmann
Lawyer | Partner
Munich -
Judith Schöningh, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner