Dr Rainer Büsken is a lawyer in the Industrial Liability department at the Cologne office. He is a Specialist Insurance Lawyer who began at BLD in 1985. He became a partner in 1989 and served as managing partner from 2011 to July 2021. Since then, as of counsel, he has handled numerous major clients in the liability sector. His many years of experience in liability and insurance law, as well as his successful representation in product, commercial and financial loss liability matters, have made Dr Rainer Büsken one of the most respected legal advisors in many major and complex claims which are relevant to the German public. In recent years, he garnered particular attention through his legal representation of Germanwings in the aftermath of the crash in the French Alps.

Dr. Rainer Büsken
- Construction Liability
- Crisis Counselling/Response
- Life Science
- Aviation Insurance
- General Liability
- Product Liability and Recalls
- Reiseversicherung
- Environmental Insurance
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
1982 - 1985
Law studies, University of Cologne
Legal clerkship in Cologne
Conferral of a doctorate, University of Cologne
since 1985
Lawyer at BLD
1989 - 07/2021
Partner at BLD
2011 - 07/2021
Managing Partner at BLD
since 08/2021
Counsel at BLD
Dr. Rainer Büsken
Lawyer | Of Counsel | Specialist Insurance Lawyer
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-31