Dr Tobias Mergner is a lawyer and partner in the Motor departments at the Cologne office. He handles medium to large personal injury claims and is one of the few specialists in the complicated calculations of the reduction and distribution procedure according to §§ 107 ff of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG). These matters require not only excellent technical knowledge but also the ability to deal with the personal elements of the case and the existential significance of the proceedings for the parties involved. Dr Mergner’s grasp of the intricacies of the field plays a crucial role in pre-litigation advice and the assessment of litigation risks. Dr Tobias Mergner advises on both social and liability law, as well as on complex medical issues, for which a competent recording and assessment of medical facts is particularly relevant. Furthermore, he regularly conducts training and writes on topics relevant to tort law. In 2020 he published numerous articles including several related to insurance and liability law aspects of Covid-19. Together with Sibille Bucka, Dr. Tobias Mergner heads the Personal Injury Center.

Dr. Tobias Mergner
1995 – 2003
Law studies, University of Cologne
Legal clerkship in Cologne
2004 – 2005
Lawyer in a law firm in Siegburg and Bonn
Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Bernsmann, University of Cologne
since 2006
Lawyer at BLD
since 2012
Partner at BLD
since 2025
Head of the BLD Personal Injury Center
Dr. Tobias Mergner
Lawyer | Partner | Specialist Insurance Lawyer
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-974